How long will this certificate program take me to complete?

Great question! The way I designed the certificate programs are that they are self-paced. So, you can study when and where it works best for you! Each module contains approximately 1.5-2hrs of recorded lectures from me plus additional readings, videos, and animations to aid your studying. You can see the course duration estimates for each certificate program. In addition, you will have a study guide with each module that should each take approximately 1 hour to complete and end of module quizzes, each lasting no more than 30min. For the best retention of the material, I encourage you to space your learning and recommend taking around 1 week to complete each module. This will ensure that you have enough time to comprehend the lectures and go through the supplemental material provided, as well as study and prepare for the module quiz. However, if you need more time, you can take more time……or if you want to complete the program sooner, you can do that too! The goal of this program is to work within the confines of YOUR schedule and YOUR life!

I love that this is self-paced, but what happens if I have a question during the lessons?

ASK ME!!! =) If you ever have a question, big or small, don't hesitate to reach out to me during the course. If the answer involves more than a quick response, I may recommend scheduling a time to meet virtually to thoroughly go through the answer, but if it's a quick question that I can simply answer via email, then I'll do that. (I personally respond to each email from students, so keep in mind that I am a real person and won't be responding to emails at 2am though!!) As a student in ACBN, you get one free 30min office hour with me (or two 30min office hours with me for Advanced Certificate program students). If you need or want more time with me, you can schedule additional office hours with me at a significant discount. I will also periodically hold Live Ask Me Anything sessions via Zoom for students to network, collaborate, and… the name would imply……ask me anything!

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I was never good at science so I'm a little nervous I won't understand anything. Do I need any pre-requisites before taking this course?

No background in science or psychology is needed for these courses!Many people tell me that the idea of studying the brain and cellular functioning of the brain is overwhelming because it is so complex. However, this is the aspect of neuroscience that pumps me up and intrigues me the most! Our brains are capable of SO MUCH, and these certificate programs will give you a tiny glimpse of some of it's capabilities and what can happen when substances, behaviors, thoughts, genes, and our environment and experiences can interfere with typical functioning and what we can do about it. It IS complex, and that may intimidate you. BUT, I urge you to honor this feeling! There is so much about neuroscience that is still unknown, and that excites me!!!! I embrace the fact that through the culmination of new ground-breaking research findings, we are understanding more and more about the brain, cognition, and behavior. Every day, new research is being published which changes our current knowledge of neuroscience. Not only will you learn about current research in cognitive and behavioral neuroscience, but you will feel empowered to know where and how to find new information and research on your own, which is a life-long skill! 

My goal is to make neuroscience APPROACHABLE and ACCESSIBLE!  After decades of teaching students from a variety of backgrounds and educational starting points, I know I am able to break down these very complex and intimidating concepts into bite sized pieces that not only you can understand, but that you can actually use! Plus, I make myself personally available to all my students with office hours and via email, so you should never hesitate to reach out with any questions or for clarification.

Do you offer any payment plans?

I do!

For each option, you can choose to pay-in-full or there is a split pay option for 6 months. Whether you choose the pay-in-full or the split pay, you'll still get lifetime access to the core curriculum and everything else included in the program. *Please note that the split pay option is a payment plan, not a month-to-month membership or cancel-anytime subscription.

If you're looking for financing, you can pay through PayPal which has several financing options, including their PayLater option which is 0% interest for 6 months. To access these special financing rates, please visit to purchase the program and review your financing options on the PayPal site.

Finally, another option is to manually split up the cost of earning the Advanced Certification into two purchases - ie. start with the Certification program and then upgrade to the Advanced Certification program when the timing is right and only pay for the upgrade.

Do I have to be a counselor or coach to enroll?

Although the curriculum has been designed to provide continuing professional education for qualified coaches, counselors, and health and wellness practitioners, understanding more about the brain and how it influences our thoughts and behaviors is universal knowledge that everyone can benefit from. 

I love working with individuals who are ready to stand apart and show up as true leaders. By learning easy-to-swallow knowledge of how the brain works in real-life situations, my students are armed with an education in a subject they can use literally every single day. Not only that, they gain the power to serve their clients better which allows them to create an environment for their communities to thrive.

Getting clear, relevant evidence-based knowledge about the brain and mental wellness has never been more important!

Can I earn Continuing Education (CE) credits by taking this certification?

As a licensed professional, we understand the importance of continuing education for your career advancement. That's why ACBN is excited to offer a limited number of sponsorships for prospective students to earn Continuing Education (CE) credits from their respective board(s) of choice!!! If approved, you will receive up to $400 off the cost of taking continuing education approved course(s) accredited by a recognized state, national, or international board. This way, you can earn an Advanced Certification in Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience and earn CEs in your specific discipline! Win-Win!!

The reason we are offering this sponsorship is that it will take several years for ACBN to become an accredited institution to offer approved courses through various boards including ASWB, NBCC, APA, ICF etc. In the meantime, we want to give our students the opportunity to complete the Advanced Certification program in Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience through ACBN and have the chance to earn CEs through an accredited provider of your choice!

The sponsorship application is simple and straightforward too! To get started, CLICK HERE.

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I want my entire team or practice to become certified through ACBN. Do you offer group discounts?

I do! Many practices and teams want to provide this certificate program for their staff, employees, and teams so I offer group discounts. Pricing depends on the number of enrolled students and if the material will be presented live or as a recording. Please contact me directly for more information and to discuss your specific needs: [email protected]

I can't decide if I want to do the basic certificate program or the advanced program. What should I do?

Both programs are a fantastic way to advance your knowledge on the brain and boost your credibility! The Advanced Certificate program is geared towards individuals who really want to stand out from the crowd and gain a firm understanding of the brain and how it affects our mental wellbeing. The advanced program includes everything from the base certificate program, but adds two additional modules on Psychological Disorders, Treatment and Therapy approaches. It also includes guest expert interviews and additional one-on-one time with me. If you're unsure if you're ready for the Advanced program, you can enroll in the Certificate program and can simply upgrade to the Advanced program at any time during your studies to gain access to the two additional modules for just the cost of the upgrade. It is slightly more cost effective to enroll in the Advanced Certificate program from the beginning, but I understand it is not always feasible, so I thought this was a good way to be able to split the cost and earn your certification along the way to getting your advanced certification.

What is the refund policy?

The role of ACBN is to support and assist you in reaching your own goals, but your success depends primarily on your own effort, motivation, commitment and follow-through. We believe strongly in our products and courses. They have been created with great care and have served thousands of successful students. However, we want you to feel comfortable enrolling in ACBN. If you join and find that the fit isn’t right, simply request a refund by emailing  [email protected] within 5 days of purchase. Please note that the split pay option is a payment plan, not a month-to-month membership. Because of the nature of digital products, this is a generous refund policy. Don’t be the person who joins, downloads every available thing, and then asks for their money back. It’s just bad karma ;)

Due to the digital nature of the information provided in our programs, refund requests will only be granted within that 5 day timeframe.

Please review all Terms of Use prior to purchase. Terms of Use

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In addition to these programs, do you offer any other ways to work with you?

Absolutely! I frequently am invited to give talks and presentations on a variety of topics of interest to both small and large groups, both virtually and in person. I also offer scientific consulting services. For more information on these services, it's best to schedule a complimentary discovery call with me to see how I can best serve you and your needs. You can schedule this consult here:

Do I have to begin the coursework at a specific date/time?

Absolutely not! You can begin when it works best with your schedule! You can purchase the program and get registered now to gain access to the material immediately. You'll also have life-long access to the materials, including any future updates.

© 2024 Academy of Cognitive and

Behavioral Neuroscience

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